I was honored to have the opportunity to write a guest blog post on my buddy Tom's blog for his Wandering Wednesday post. The prompt consisted of writing about a time in which you were literally or figuratively/spiritually wandering in your life.
Check out the post at http://thomasmarkzuniga.com/2012/07/in-his-hands-a-wandering-wednesday-by-cheryl-chen/
This blog post was very intimate for me. Even though I've told the story quite a few times to girls struggling with self-worth or dating, putting it in written form rather than oral form was a heartfelt experience for me. The biggest reason was because I found myself making God a vital character to the story, whereas when I told the story orally, He was mainly a player but not a central element. God's voice came to me so easily; I almost heard the gentle tone as I typed out the words.
I hope that you are touched by the story. I know that God gave it to me in order to show His love for us and to remind us to trust Him with our insecurities.
Loved hosting you this week! Loving this Wandering Wednesday summer series. Such great stories all around. Would be honored to host you again someday!