Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Different Doesn't Mean Success

You may be surprised to know that I'm not out to write the next great American novel.  I don't want to be recognized in the literary community as cutting edge or ground breaking.  That's not what I want.

I just want my novel to tell a story and to tell it well.

I want my book to resonate with readers.  I want them to enjoy reading it.  I want to write something that doesn't necessarily stand the test of time but does connect to readers regardless of time, age, or generation.
“All that I hope to say in books, all that I ever hope to say, is that I love the world.”
E.B. White
In my opinion, that is what a good story does.  My aim is not to create a new genre or style.  I'm going to stick to the basics: a compelling plot, strong characters, and vivid descriptions.

While I know there are many people who are creative and brave, trying to test the boundaries of the written word, I find so much value in the simple complexities of story.  I do not want to sacrifice those elements for the sake of being new and exciting.  I'd rather do the same ol', same ol' and do it well.

I try not to tease myself with visions of grandeur.  I know the chances of me being the next J.K. Rowling are next to nothing, and I'm pretty much okay with that.  A modest publication that reaches a good handful of strangers.  I think I would be content with that.

Different Doesn't Necessarily Mean Success

There is a strong theme in the creative fields nowadays that you need to come up with the next best thing, stand out in the crowd, in order to be successful.  The advice has some truth to it.  People who break the mold do get noticed.

But does that ensure success?

Based on my own observations, nowadays the people who really are remembered are those who take the basics and do it well.

Art has been around for quite a long time; humanity has exhausted most creative avenues.  As they say, "There's nothing new under the sun."  As creators, we need to not let that inhibit our creative abilities.  In fact, it can enhance them.  

Success should be dependent on quality, and if I'm going to be known for my work, I'd rather my achievements be based on that as opposed to notoriety.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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