Saturday, January 10, 2015

Hello! I'm back!

Aboard the Disney Dream cruise!
Greetings Internet friends!

It's been over a year since I've posted regularly on my blog, and while I do not intend to keep up with my regular weekly updates, I think its time to revive this thing.

The past six or so months, I've struggled with my writing.  I am a very busy person.  For the most part, I enjoy staying busy, but I've been juggling tasks at my limit for quite some time now.  I'm not sure what items I can drop; they are all very important to me.

So, writing took its place on the back-burner of my schedule.  I'm ashamed to say I haven't really worked on fiction in months either.  People have asked me how my novel is going.  I have to tell them that truthfully its going nowhere fast.  I feel like wincing every time I have to say it.

Maybe its the coming of the New Year, hearing everyone else talk about resolutions (even though I dislike resolutions personally).  Perhaps it is the rising out of the ashes of the holiday season, tired and lethargic.  Or maybe, if I am brave enough to say it, from the dissatisfaction with the present comes a desire for change.

So, I thank you for your patience and understanding.  I'm going to need the encouragement to fight the uphill battle of self improvement.  Thanks for the likes and the comments.  Much appreciated.  I look forward to the future.

Soli Deo Gloria. 

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